Animal Identification & Marking Systems, Inc.
What We Do
AIMS pioneered the development of a comprehensive tattoo identification system for research animals. In the mid 1970's, AIMS worked with NIH and pharmaceutical companies to develop specialized tattoo equipment, proprietary tattoo pigments, and tattooing techniques that were safe and effective in mice and rats. Today, the art of lab animal tattoo identification has been refined to a "science" by AIMS. Tattoo identification procedures have been developed for all lab animals. AIMS manufactures three easy-to-use tattoo systems to tattoo identify neonates (NEO-9), mice and rats (ATS-3) and large labe animals (ATS-3L). AIMS also manufactures small animal surgery boards, post-surgery recovery chambers, CO2 euthanasia devices, procedure/dissection boards, and stereotaxic LED lights and magnifiers.
Categories (8)
Instruments, Laboratory Consumables, Stereotaxic Instruments, Surgical Instruments
Hornell, NY
United States