Magstim EGI
What We Do
World leaders, Magstim and EGI are now unified as one organization offering magnetic stimulation and HD-EEG. Magstim EGI brings researchers a combined 60+ years of neuroscience innovations through non-invasive imaging and neurostimulation solutions to study and treat the brain. More than 20,000 peer-reviewed publications cite Magstim EGI technologies. Meet the scientific team, experience hands-on demos, and see how GTEN 200 allows researchers to record HD-EEG and simultaneously deliver current using the EGI Geodesic Sensor Net. Magstim EGI Solves your unique research needs with a consultative approach and proven solutions.
Categories (8)
Amplifiers: Isolation, Brain Mapping Equipment, Data Acquisition System, Electrodes and Accessories, Electrophysiological Data Acquisition, Evoked Potential Equipment, Imaging Systems, Stimulators: Programmable
Minneapolis, MN
United States
United States