Med Associates Inc
What We Do
Med Associates, Inc. is the leading manufacturer, software developer, and supplier of products for behavioral psychology, pharmacology, neuroscience, physiology, and related fields of research. Our dedication to research & development has resulted in an extensive catalog of products that is constantly growing, both through our own efforts and by crafting custom hardware and software for our customers.

This year, we’ll be showcasing the newly released pellet dispenser, new variable speed syringe pump with detachable touchscreen, our new Omni product line, Med-PC 6, and more. We encourage you to stop by our booth to see what’s new, and to chat with us about how we can support your research!
Categories (8)
Behavioral Research Equipment, Data Acquisition System, Feeding/Drinking Systems, Pumps, Startle Response Systems, Stimulators: Programmable, Treadmills, Activity Measurement Systems: Monitors & Wheels
Georgia, VT
United States

Products & Press Releases


