BioPro Scientific
What We Do
Welcome to BioPro Scientific, a pioneering medical device company at the forefront of the industry. We specialize in the complete development cycle of high-end neuroscience devices, providing comprehensive solutions from basic chip design to end product manufacturing, as well as firmware and software engineering.

At BioPro Scientific, we are dedicated to advancing the field of neuroscience through innovative technologies and cutting-edge solutions. Our team of experts combines expertise in engineering, neuroscience, and medical research, to create state-of-the-art devices that meet the evolving needs of healthcare professionals and researchers.

We believe that by combining technical expertise with a passion for improving lives, we can revolutionize the way neurological disorders are diagnosed and treated. Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine the possibilities of neuroscience devices and pave the way for a healthier future.
Categories (8)
Behavioral Research Equipment, Data Acquisition System, Data Sharing, Electrochemical Detectors, Electrophysiological Data Acquisition, In Vivo and In Vitro Testings, Spike Sorting Online/Offline, Stimulators: Programmable

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