What We Do
E-PHY-SCIENCE serves as a specialized CNS CRO, offering exceptional expertise in conducting electrophysiological studies using in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo techniques on both WT and mutant rodents. As a remote lab, E-PHY-SCIENCE provides highly reactive and precise services. Its ex vivo and in vitro platforms allow for field or single cell recording from acute brain slices or cell cultures. Meanwhile, the in vivo platform enables field, multiunit, and single unit recordings in freely moving or anesthetized rodents. Additionally, all experiments can be integrated with their behavioral platform, which assesses various paradigms, ranging from learning and memory to locomotor activity.
Categories (8)
Cell Culture, Electrophysiological Data Acquisition, In Vivo and In Vitro Testings, Patch Clamp Electrophysiology and Instrumentation, Research Services
Biot, PAC

Products & Press Releases

10/26/2023 Mélissa Farinelli