Decoding mental states anywhere with Mindtooth!
The Mindtooth EEG system makes a leap in design, form, style, ergonomics and enables the measurement of mental states without requiring any technical skills. Mindtooth consists of an EEG headset (“Touch”), an amplifier (“Click-On Amp”) as well as an EEG App which allows you to access and visualize raw EEG data.
The heart of this solution though is the Neurometrics App -powerful, well protected, yet accessible as a cloud service. Visualize and record workload, stress, and vigilance to measure mental states during daily activities and review them offline in a simple yet comprehensible way.
The scientifically validated AI algorithms performing the calibration as well as neurometric calculations are hosted on a secure cloud environment. The computed neurometrics are then streamed via web-socket protocol for performant and reliable real-time communication.
The cloud securely stores neurometrics and EEG data and makes it available for immediate access, either via direct download (.csv format) or through online visualization on the report page of the app.

Visit us at booth #2423 and get a live demo!
Category Exhibitor Videos 10/25/2023

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